
Delivery Policy

We do our best to have your products delivered as soon as possible, but it is not always that we can guarantee exact delivery date. Our products are manufactured in India, so, the delivery term depends on operation of shipment companies. Generally it constitutes from fifteen to twenty days.

If your order is not delivered within the dead-line, please contact us so out team can start investigation.

Order Cancellation

Cancellation can be done within a time period of 24 hours after submitting the order. Cancellation after 24 hours expiration will have no result. Cancellation can be done by telephone call of e-mail.

If you have found that your order details are incorrect please inform us as soon as possible. But in a late stage of shipment it may happen that we cannot correct your address information, and your delivery will be delayed or lost. To avoid such problems please check all the information before submitting your order.

Refund Policy

Customer’s satisfaction is our primary concern. So, prior to claim to refund, make sure that all the recommendations are followed that is the medicine administration has been correct. Please consider the factors which could influence the effect of the medicine, like diet or other medications used at the same period. Anyway, if you reveal any non-obtaining the intended results please inform us, and we will start the problem investigation.

However, due to safety precautions, our company does not refund medicines in case you are not satisfied with your treatment results. No one can guarantee that the medicines dispensed to you had been stored or administrated correctly. That is why we cannot accept your returned medicines and re-dispense them to another customer.

Refunding is possible only if your medicines had not been delivered in time by a shipping company. Normally, shipment takes about two weeks through twenty days, sometimes delays are possible due to extra customs formalities. If, upon this period expiration, you do not receive your order, we will refund your medicines. The funds will be paid to your credit card within a week.

Privacy Policy

Our company is committed to ensuring the privacy of your personal information. We have taken certain physical, electronic and managerial steps to safeguard and secure the information we collect from site visitors. Under no circumstances can any third party get access to your personal information.

Security of your payment information is provided by means of specialized software, 256 bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The function of SSL is to encrypt the input information. Moreover, reliability of our billing servers is controlled by professional companies providing site safety evaluation.

Concerning your credit card security, only 4 last digits of your credit card are displayed, therefore our site personnel cannot see and use your credit card information.

Terms & Conditions

The information from this web-side is designed for the visitors accessing the site from the territory of Cyprus. Any your activities related to using this site and buying products from it subject to the law of the Republic of Cyprus and are treated as those taken place in Cyprus and fall within the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Cyprus.

Registration with our site is permitted only for persons of 18 years of age or older, residents of Cyprus. The information provided by you must be true and fair. You will be solely responsible for your orders, so, to avoid any misuse of you private information please, provide privacy of your log-in information.

This web-site is designed by the company Centralux limited.  Centralux limited disclaims all warranties and conditions concerning the content of this web-site.

Centralux Limited, its managers and affiliates disclaim all liabilities for any losses, direct or indirect, resulting from or in connection with this site excluding the liabilities related to the death or personal injury resulting from negligent performance of their duties by Centralux Limited, its managers and affiliates.

The information provided on this web site cannot be deemed as a substitute of professional medical advice, under no circumstance does it avoid the necessity of professional medical care, especially if you subject to regular medical check-ups. Please, read carefully all the prescribing information and product label prior to use the medication for the first time.

Any reference to other web-sites are provided for informational purposes only, therefore, Centralux Limited shall not be liable for the content of such web-sites and the outcome of using the recommendations provided on such web-sites.

Unenforceability of any terms herein shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Centralux Ltd shall not be obliged to accept any order placed by the customers. In case of your order confirmation, you will receive a confirmation letter. Your order shall not be considered accepted unless you receive such confirmation letter. Contractual relations between our customers and us shall start at the point of the invoice issue by Centralux Ltd. To avoid any shipment problems and interruptions please, provide your real details.

Any shipment to the USA is governed by the USA customs regulations and FDA. If the order is not delivered due to the US customs service performance, Centralux Ltd shall not be liable to refund such orders. Any costs related to the late delivery or non-delivery due to the US customs service performance shall be incurred by the customers. Centralux Ltd disclaims any liability related to the late order delivery due to the US customs procedure.

Nothing of the above-mentioned shall affect your consumer rights.

All the orders will be performed subject to the products availability.

Acceptable Use Policy

The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) term contains the list of prohibited, irresponsible or illegal activities. Centralux Ltd made this list to protect itself, its customers and Internet-community. By accepting this term you warranty the non-engagement in these activities. AUP may be modified anytime by Centralux Ltd.

Prohibited Uses of Centralux Ltd Systems and Services:

  1. Any communication, issue or storage of indecent, abusive content, disclosure of confidential information without proper authorization or in violation of any law.
  2. Sending Unsolicited Bulk Email (“spam”) through the company’s server is prohibited. Sending any messages aimed at any web-site promotion (other than Centralux Ltd’s) from another service provider is prohibited. Using any resource hosted on the Company’s servers is prohibited.
  3. Running Unconfirmed Mailing Lists. Subscribing to any mail list without the email address proprietor is prohibited. Buying lists of e-mail addresses for e-mailing from any Centralux Ltd-hosted domain, or referencing any Centralux Ltd account, is prohibited.
  4. Any distribution of information, software, programs aimed at violation of this Acceptable Use Policy or Acceptable Use Policy of any other Internet Service Provider including but not limited to initiation of pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, denial of service attacks etc. is prohibited.
  5. Reselling any service to the persons or entities enrolled in the list of Spamhaus Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) database at spamhaus.org, operating on behalf of such persons or entities is prohibited.
  6. The so called cracking that is, trying to access any account or computer resource other than that belonging to this particular user is prohibited.
  7. Any attempt of obtaining access to the Company’s services on non-paid basis is prohibited.
  8. Unauthorized access or modification of any information of any customer of the Company or any attempt thereof is prohibited.
  9. Conscious deeds aimed at denial-of-service of any other user on any provider’s networks is prohibited.
  10. Interference with the Company’s network on the part of other customers or authorized users by using the Services of Centralux Ltd is prohibited.

Customer Responsibility for Customer’s Users

By accepting this term, each Centralux Ltd customer confirms that it will ensure adherence to this Policy by its customers, related parties or end-users. All the claims related to the non-adherence to this Policy by the customers, related parties or end-users of Centralux Ltd’ customers shall entitle Centralux Ltd to forward such claims to the Centralux Ltd customer’s postmaster for processing. Centralux Ltd is entitled to suspend or terminate its contractual relations with such violating customer without prior notification of such customer.


  1. Centralux Ltd shall not be responsible for any delay in delivery not exceeding ten (10) days after the specified estimated delivery date. (10) days after the specified estimated delivery date shall be the deadline.
  2. Centralux Ltd shall not be responsible for any delay in delivery or failure to deliver the order due to the fact that a customer, intentionally or unintentionally, provided address information which would not result is successful delivery of the order.

Centralux Ltd shall not be responsible for any failed delivery due to the fact that a customer, intentionally or unintentionally, prevented a successful delivery. In this case all re-deliveries will be made by Regular Mail only.

  1. Centralux Ltd shall not be responsible for any products mismatch to the customers’ expectation in terms of shape, color, size, marking on the pills or manufacturer.

All the information about generic products provided on our site including but not limited to product images, manufacturer names and marketing names, is provided for informational purpose only.

  1. Centralux Ltd shall not be responsible for any inefficiency of the products chosen by the customer, in case of its unintended use.
  2. Placing an order with Centralux Ltd is deemed as starting contractual obligations with the Company. By placing an order you agree that you have read, understood and agreed with this disclaimer. Any attempt of claiming to refund your payment due to the above-listed reasons shall be considered a fraudulent action and may lead to legal procedure against such customer and its ban from the Company’s site.